LIUNA Training is committed to seeking verifiable quality through independent, third-party accreditation. By proudly securing the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) “seal” for two certification programs, LIUNA Training ensures its instructors and apprenticeship coordinators are the best in the construction, environmental, and energy sectors.

Since 1918, ANAB has been “the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system” across many workplaces. LIUNA Training is founded on the principles of obtaining and maintaining the highest possible standards in training and education. By meeting the meticulous and internationally recognized ANAB standards, LIUNA Training will ensure the continuation of these guiding principles for years to come.

ANAB Accredited Instructor Certification Program

LIUNA Training Certified Instructors have successfully completed one of the most comprehensive adult education and training programs in the industry. Each instructor is trained to create dynamic and engaging environments that put students in the best position to gain industry knowledge and trade skills.

LIUNA Training's ANAB accredited Instructor Certification proves that our instructors have met strict eligibility requirements and demonstrate knowledge of the best practices of adult learning. The result is a skilled, safe and productive worker who can critically think on the job.

Instructors systematically move from online training, evaluation, and classroom instruction, to assessment and a comprehensive ANAB certified exam. Success is measured by a certified instructor’s ability to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of adult education practices
  • execute student-centered, activity-based teaching techniques
  • convey trade information professionally
  • meet reading, math and computer proficiency standards

More importantly, certification does not mark the end but the beginning of career-long education and professional development. Certification maintenance combines continuing education with practical experience to ensure that LIUNA instructors remain on the cutting edge of the industry.

ANAB Accredited Apprenticeship Coordinator Certification Program

LIUNA Training's Apprenticeship Coordinator Certification is a first within the construction industry and among USDOL approved apprenticeship programs. Individuals who receive this accredited professional certification have demonstrated that they possess the knowledge and skills needed to develop the next generation of journey workers. The value added to signatory contractors, business owners and local unions can be seen in a quality workforce, dedicated apprentices and professional mentorships.

The road to certification requires all LIUNA Training Apprenticeship Coordinators to move through pre-assessments, classroom training, and final projects before sitting for the ANAB certified exam. As certified professionals that met proficiency in internationally developed standards, LIUNA’s Apprenticeship Coordinators demonstrate:

  • solid program management skills
  • effective recruitment and retention techniques
  • varied communication skills
  • partnership development strategies

After successful completion of the program Apprenticeship Coordinators take part in yearly professional development offerings to ensure they maintain their certified status.

LIUNA Training & Education Fund’s Apprentices

The LIUNA Training & Education Fund Apprenticeship Programs are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), confirming that they comply with the government’s rigorous national standards. Both the commercial and residential construction apprenticeship programs are designed to allow inexperienced workers to begin earning a salary immediately as LIUNA apprentices. Earning while they learn, workers new to our industry participate in on-the-job training that is supported by both classroom and hands-on instruction at a local LIUNA training center.

The Apprenticeship Programs are the foundation of our commitment to meeting the needs of LIUNA’s signatory contractors for safe, skilled employees. Contractors who hire apprentices are able to focus on developing a strong team while the apprentices receive the quality training they need at the local LIUNA training center. The result is a workforce that grows with the contractors, understands the operations and works safely to get the job done right the first time.

Participation in the DOL Registered Apprenticeship Programs benefits the apprentice in many ways, including:

  • Acquires the skills and competencies necessary for success, without cost
  • Provides a competitive starting wage that increases after achieving training milestones
  • Participates in classroom and hands-on instruction that complements on-the-job learning
  • Achieves certifications that increase employability
  • Accesses opportunities for college credit for training achievements

The Apprenticeship Programs also provide many benefits to contractors, including:

  • Safe, skilled employees
  • Employees who understand the contractors’ values and goals
  • Payroll savings while the apprentice advances through the program
  • EEO requirements are met
  • Targeted training for the skills the contractor values most
  • No out-of-pocket expense

LIUNA Training’s Registered Apprenticeship Programs ensure that new Construction Craft Laborers and Home Performance Laborers receive the quality training they need to be successful in the construction industry today, and in years to come.

Independent IAS Accreditation

When the industry, job specs, owner or municipal requirements call for quality training and use of accredited courses, LIUNA Training has it covered. LIUNA Training’s curriculum development process is accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS). IAS accreditation sets independent criteria for establishing learning objectives, developing training materials that meet those objectives, and conducting program measurement and improvement. Moreover, IAS Accreditation requires us to implement a quality management system of written operating procedures, sound professional practices, clearly defined lines of authority, and routine audit and metric reports that support decision-making and resource allocation. Earning and retaining IAS accreditation is an achievement no other construction trade organization has attained.

IAS accreditation certifies that our training in Building Construction, Demolition, Environmental Remediation, Safety and Leadership meets the highest standards. All courses are flexible enough to meet area-specific training needs. Accreditation also ensures the information is continually updated and that new courses adhere to the highest standards.

IAS accreditation also guarantees that we utilize industry and educational experts to make sure our curriculum is pilot tested before release and presented by certified instructors. Together this results in graduates ready to tackle the job, safely and competently, on Day 1; because there's trained, and then there's LIUNA trained.

For more information about certification and other related topics, click on the links below: